The Truth About Swimming to Lose Weight for Women

The Truth About Swimming to Lose Weight for Women

When it comes to weight loss, many women turn to traditional forms of exercise, such as running or joining a gym. While they can be effective, there is one form of exercise that often gets overlooked, and that is swimming. Swimming is a low-impact yet highly effective way to shed unwanted pounds and achieve a lean, toned physique. It’s a form of exercise that not only benefits the body but also promotes holistic well-being. And you don’t have to be an Olympic swimmer to reap the rewards. I have personally seen the benefits of swimming while helping my clients on their weight loss journey. So, let’s dive in and explore the truth about weight loss through swimming for women.

The Science Behind Swimming for Weight Loss

Before we jump into the specifics, let’s first understand why swimming is an effective form of exercise for weight loss. You know swimming is a full-body workout, but what does that actually mean? Unlike other forms of exercise that may only target specific muscle groups, Swimming engages all the major muscle groups in your body. This results in a higher calorie burn and an increase in overall metabolism. Swimming also works wonders for cardiovascular health, which plays a crucial role in weight loss.

But perhaps one of the biggest benefits of swimming is that it’s a low-impact form of exercise. This means it puts less stress on your joints compared to high-impact activities like running or weightlifting. So, if you have any joint issues or are recovering from an injury, swimming is an effective option for staying active. Just make sure to consult with your doctor before starting any exercise routine.

Swimming Versus Other Forms of Exercise

Now, you might be wondering how swimming stacks up against other forms of exercise when it comes to weight loss. Studies have shown that swimming can burn the same amount of calories as running but with much less impact on your joints. Additionally, because swimming engages all major muscle groups, it has a toning effect on your entire body rather than just specific areas.

Moreover, swimming is a great way to mix up your workout routine and keep things interesting. Being in the water also adds a level of resistance and challenge, making it a highly effective form of strength training. This makes swimming an excellent choice for women looking to lose weight while also building lean muscle. So, along with the things to include in your weight loss journey, you can even incorporate swimming for overall physical and mental well-being.

The Mental and Emotional Benefits of Swimming

All forms of exercise have mental and emotional benefits, but swimming takes it to another level. By being in the water, you are able to disconnect from the constant hustle and bustle of daily life. The rhythmic motion of swimming has a calming effect on the mind and can alleviate stress and anxiety. Plus, it’s a great way to practice mindfulness and be present in the moment.

Swimming also releases endorphins, which help boost mood and reduce symptoms of depression. It’s a form of exercise that leaves you feeling refreshed and rejuvenated, making it a perfect way to start or end your day. That being said, it’s essential to listen to your body and not push yourself beyond your limits.

Key Swimming Styles for Effective Weight Loss

I know while reading this, many of you may be wondering what types of swimming styles are best for weight loss. We all know the basic freestyle stroke, but have you heard of butterfly, breaststroke, and backstroke? These are all different swimming styles that engage your muscles in unique ways. Incorporating a variety of strokes into your workout routine can make it more challenging and prevent boredom.

However, if you’re new to swimming or have any physical limitations, sticking to the basic freestyle stroke is still an excellent way to lose weight through swimming. As you become more comfortable and confident, you can gradually incorporate other styles into your routine. But now that I have already mentioned it let’s explore some of the different swimming styles and their benefits:

Butterfly Stroke

The butterfly stroke is a challenging yet highly effective style for weight loss. It requires coordination and strength in your arms, legs, and core. This makes it a great form of full-body exercise that can help burn calories and build muscle.


The breaststroke is another low-impact style that primarily targets your chest, arms, and thighs. It’s a great option for those looking to build upper body strength while also working on cardiovascular endurance. Plus, it can be modified to suit different fitness levels.


The sidestroke is another low-impact style that primarily targets your arms, core, and thighs. It’s a great option for lookey-loos like me who enjoy people watching while swimming.  It also can be done on either side for a complete whole body workout with scenery in mind.


Last but not least, the backstroke is an excellent way to work out your back muscles while also engaging your core. It’s also suitable for beginners as it doesn’t require you to put your face in the water. A perfect choice for those who may feel intimidated by swimming.

Incorporating Swimming into Your Weight Loss Routine

Now that we have explored the various benefits of swimming for weight loss, let’s talk about how you can incorporate it into your routine.

  1. Start with a warm-up: Just like any other workout, it’s essential to prepare your body before jumping into the main set. Start with a few laps of easy swimming or some dynamic stretches to prepare your muscles.
  2. Mix up the strokes: As I mentioned earlier, incorporating different styles into your routine can keep things exciting and challenging. Try to switch between freestyle, butterfly, breaststroke, and backstroke during each session.
  3. Add intervals: To increase the intensity of your workout, you can add intervals of high-intensity swimming followed by periods of rest or lower-intensity swimming. This will help you burn more calories and improve cardiovascular endurance.
  4. Set goals: Whether it’s a specific number of laps, distance, or time, setting achievable goals can keep you motivated and on track with your weight loss journey.

Wrapping Up

As you can see, swimming is much more than just a recreational activity. It’s a highly effective form of exercise that offers numerous physical, mental, and emotional benefits. So, if you’re looking to lose weight in a fun and low-impact way, give swimming a try. Just make sure to listen to your body, take it slow, and have fun with it. And remember, you are welcome to join my specialized program for women’s weight loss in Spokane if you are struggling to achieve your weight goals. Together, we can make your health and fitness a priority. So, girl, don’t be afraid to jump into the pool and start swimming towards your weight loss goals!

Dr. Kerry Traugott, DNP
Dr. Kerry Traugott, DNP

Dr. Kerry Traugott, DNP is a Obesity Medicine Specialist in Spokane, WA. She is accepting new patients.

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Kerry Traugott, DNP
Kerry Traugott, DNP specializes in holistic weight loss for women
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