Take Care of Yourself

It’s time to put yourself first.

Women are trained from a young age to help take care of people. We are ingrained to believe that doing things for others will give you a fulfilled life. Motherhood is a must, taking care of your children, mostly by yourself, your partner is your duty, working overtime without complaint, keeping your home organized and spotless is non negotiable…  Does any of this sound familiar?

Since the mid 1900’s depression and anxiety has commonly been found in women. They were struggling to find a purpose in their day to day. They wanted to do something for themselves, not just live in a box prescribed to them by a patriarchal society.

In 2019, women have found lives outside of the home with 64% of households having  two separate incomes. Although women have gained freedom to earn their own income, many of the responsibilities at home have not changed.  Women are struggling to juggle the demands of the 21st century – they have so much more on their plate between work, children, relationships, social life and home life.

We have all heard that exercise improves more than just weight loss. According to the Mayo Clinic, exercise helps you sleep better, boosts energy, and can put you in an all around better mood. You can start incorporating more activity in your life by going for early morning or late night walks. You can do this with a partner, your dogs, your kids, or maybe just enjoy your own company. Remember, it’s about doing the activity and starting with just 5 or 10 minutes is better than nothing, in fact, it’s a great start.

There are many other ways to put yourself first. Eating better foods is a great way to help your body feel and look better. I know cooking every day takes up time you might not have, which is why I encourage everyone to start meal prepping! This is an excellent way to save time and stress less throughout the week. It will save you headaches at the grocery store and at home when you already have your grab and go healthy meal ready for you. In addition, many of our clients save money when they get into a consistent meal planning routine.

If you find it difficult to make time for yourself, ask for some help. This holistic weight loss clinic, located in Spokane, WA, will feel like a comforting home. A Community Wellness Clinic is run by educated women who are here for one reason only – to help you become the best woman you can be. We believe healing is homemade.

Make some time and space for yourself. You deserve it.

Dr. Kerry Traugott, DNP
Dr. Kerry Traugott, DNP

Dr. Kerry Traugott, DNP is a Obesity Medicine Specialist in Spokane, WA. She is accepting new patients.

About me
Kerry Traugott, DNP
Kerry Traugott, DNP specializes in holistic weight loss for women
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