How Can Drinking Alcohol Stall Your Weight Loss Progress?

Drunk Woman Holding a Bottle of Alcohol

Most people enjoy a drink or two now and then, and while it may seem like a harmless way to relax, you may be surprised to know that alcohol can actually stall your fat loss progress. Yes, that’s right – those nightly glasses of wine or beer can quickly add up and sabotage your diet goals. So, how exactly does alcohol impact fat loss? Here are three ways drinking can stall your progress and how to avoid them.

3 Ways Drinking Alcohol Can Stall Your Weight Loss Progress

1. Alcohol is “Empty” Calories

One of the biggest problems with alcohol is that it’s “empty” calories, which means it doesn’t contain any nutrients or benefits for your body. In fact, alcohol is one of the most calorie-dense substances you can consume – and those extra calories can quickly add up. The type of alcohol you drink also plays a role in how many calories it contains.

For example, hard liquor generally has more calories than beer or wine. And mixed drinks or cocktails can be even worse, as they often contain sugary mixers that add even more calories.

2. Alcohol Reduces Fat Burning

When you drink alcohol, your body actually starts to burn alcohol for energy instead of fat. This process is known as “alcoholic ketosis” and can quickly lead to weight gain. Research has shown that just one night of heavy drinking can reduce your fat burning by up to 73%! This means that if you’re trying to lose weight, you’ll need to work even harder to burn those extra calories.

Also, by understanding weight loss vs. fat loss, you will be able to target your goals better and see results more quickly. Remember, weight loss is not always equal to fat loss. You could be losing water weight, muscle mass, or even bone density – all of which will impact the number on the scale.

3. Alcohol Increases Appetite

Not only does alcohol reduce your ability to burn fat, but it can also increase your appetite. This is because alcohol lowers your inhibitions, which can lead to overeating or making poor food choices. So, when you’re drunk, you’re more likely to crave high-fat, high-sugar foods that are easy to overeat. Alcohol can also make you feel hungry even if you’re not physically hungry, which can lead to mindless snacking or overeating. So, if you’re trying to lose weight, these extra calories can quickly add up and stall your progress.

How to Avoid the Alcohol Weight Loss Trap?

The best way to avoid these problems is to limit your alcohol intake. If you are going to drink, stick to one or two drinks per day and make sure they are low-calorie options like light beer, wine, or hard liquor with no mixers. It would help if you also avoided high-sugar mixers like juice or soda, as they can quickly add up and stall your weight loss progress. Finally, make sure you’re eating a healthy diet and exercising regularly. This will help offset the effects of alcohol and help you reach your weight loss goals.

Apart from this, it is also crucial to understand that women are more prone to the harmful effects of alcohol as compared to men. This is because women have less water in their bodies, which means that they absorb more alcohol. This can quickly lead to intoxication and all the harmful effects that come with it. So, if you’re a woman trying to lose weight, it’s important to be especially careful about your alcohol intake. It will also help you to check out the best weight loss programs in Spokane so that you can be more effective in your weight loss journey. A holistic approach to health and fitness is always the best way to go, as it will help you in the long run.

To Sum It Up

Now that you know how alcohol can stall your weight loss progress, it’s time to cut back on your intake. By following the tips above, you can avoid the pitfalls of drinking and reach your weight loss goals. And with my holistic weight loss program, you can finally feel (and look) the way you’ve always wanted.

Dr. Kerry Traugott, DNP
Dr. Kerry Traugott, DNP

Dr. Kerry Traugott, DNP is a Obesity Medicine Specialist in Spokane, WA. She is accepting new patients.

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Kerry Traugott, DNP
Kerry Traugott, DNP specializes in holistic weight loss for women
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